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5785/2024 High Holidays Registration

Members: If you are logged into the ShulCloud Member Portal, your personal information should populate some of these fields automatically. If these fields are empty, please log into your ShulCloud Member Portal account to continue. The login button is in the top-right corner of this page.
You can still submit this form without being logged in but please note that if there are any amounts owed, the only payment option will be by credit card.

Non-members, please fill out this form with your information.

Congregation Etz Hayim looks forward to welcoming you for this year’s High Holiday services!
Detailed information about services is available on our High Holiday FAQ. High Holiday tickets are included free of charge in all CEH memberships; there is no member ticket fee. However, registration is mandatory for members and non-members for in-person services.

To allow us to best tailor our services, and to print tickets for those attending in-person, please use the form below to register for services for your entire member unit (e.g., a family should complete this form only once.) We understand that your entire family may not plan to attend each service and that your plans for who is able to attend may change, but unit-based pre-registration allows us to best accommodate all of our members and non-member visitors.

Non-members are welcome, either in-person or online! Tickets for non-members are $180/person (ages13 and above) and include all Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur services. This registration form is for both, members and non-members.

Please contact for college and military discounts or any need based accomodations.

Children are an important part of the CEH community. We are delighted to provide High Holidays services and programming for youth ages 18 months through B-Mitzvah age.

Suggested donation for children’s services and programming is $36 for either Rosh Hashanah or Yom Kippur, $54 for both. Please see the FAQ page for more information.

About Me

Contact information for the person completing this form.

In-Person Tickets

Rosh Hashanah
October 2
 Erev Rosh Hashanah – 6:15 PM

October 3
Rosh Hashanah Day 1 – 9:00 AM
Tashlich – 4:00 PM
Mincha/Maariv – 7:10 PM

October 4
Rosh Hashanah Day 2 – 9:00 AM

Yom Kippur
October 11 
Instrumental Music  5:45 PM
Kol Nidrei – 6:00 PM

October 12
Shacharit – 9:00 AM
Yizkor – 11:30 AM-ish
Learning w/ Rav Amelia – 4:15 PM
Mincha – 5:15 PM
Neila - 6:15 PM

Shofar Blowing – 7:15 PM

Youth Services and Programming 

Again this year we are offering multiple educational activities and services for youth from 9:30 AM to 12:30 PM. Parents are welcome to join their children for the services listed below. Each holiday will have it's own special theme that will guide the experience.

Rosh Hashanah I: October 3
Rosh Hashanah II: October 4
Yom Kippur: October 12

18 Months – 2nd Grade
Welcome  – 9:30 AM - 10:00 AM
Mini Minyan  – 10:00 AM - 10:45 AM
Sing-Along and Snack – 10:45 AM - 11:15 AM
Holiday Activities 11:15 AM -12:30 PM

Youth: 3rd – B-Mitzvah
Welcome  – 9:30 AM - 10:00 AM
Holiday Activities 10:00 AM -10:45 AM
Sing-Along and Snack – 10:45 AM - 11:15 AM
Minyan Tzair: 11:15 AM - 12:30 PM

Once you select the number of people coming, you will see a line of fields for each person.

Enter the first and last name of each person in your family who will participate in CEH's in-person services.  
Registration for In-Person Participation
  * Name When Notes
Suggested donation for children’s services and programming is $36 per child for either Rosh Hashanah or Yom Kippur, $54 for both.

Evening Child Care (children over 18 mos)

We know that some families would be interested in child care during the evening services (Erev Rosh Hashanah, Kol Nidrei, and Neilah) as well.

We will offer child care for evening services if there is enough interest and staffing. Please let us know by September 4 and we will be back in touch with interested families by September 15. 

Zoom Access

We understand that not everyone is able to join us for in-person services this year. We are planning our services to be inclusive and meaningful to those joining us online as well.

All of the services listed below will be broadcast over Zoom.  Use the checkboxes below to designate the services in which any part of your family unit is interested in participating online.  For example, if any members of your family are interested in our online Kol Nidrei service, check the corresponding box in this section. 



We're excited to offer an innovative, family-friendly, outdoor Tashlich service that will be held stream side. This program is great for families with kids and those who are looking for a unique New Year’s service.

Tashlich is an experience unique to this time of the year, when we ritually let go of things we don’t want to carry with us into the next year. This service will be filled with songs and opportunities for meditation, reflection and singing.

Tashlich will be on October 3 at 4:00 PM at the Alcova Heights Park located at 901 S. George Mason Drive in Arlington.

Yizkor Book Participation

Having a name memorialized in a Yizkor Book is a beautiful way to honor our loved ones. While they are no longer with us in the physical realm we still hold their memories close to our hearts every day and in particular this time of the year.

The CEH Yizkor Book contains the English names and Hebrew memorial dates (if available) of our departed relatives and friends and is available at our Congregation’s Yizkor services four times a year: beginning on Yom Kippur, Shmini Atzeret (end of Sukkot), Pesach, and Shavuot.

It is our tradition to offer Tzedakah in memory of our loved ones, sharing their names with the community and assisting the Congregation at the same time.

For each name you want to be memorialized, $18 will be added to your High Holidays contribution.

Please select on the menu below how you would like to participate in our Yizkor Book this year.

Once you select it, another menu will appear so you can add the information requested and a link with last year's Yizkor Book will appear, so you can see our booklet and have access to the information you provided last year.
Please enter first name
Deceased Last Name
Do you know the date of death?
please enter date of death
please enter date of death
Date of Death (English)
Hebrew Day of Month
Hebrew Month
Hebrew Year
Please check the box if you'd like to be reminded annually of upcoming yahrzeit.
Was death after sunset?
Names from last year's Yizkor book can be found 

Contribute to our Yom Kippur Appeal

“One should not appear before God empty-handed, but each one with their own gift, according to the blessing that God has bestowed upon you” Deut. 16:16-17

It is only through the generosity of our members that we are able to sustain our community. Your contribution will make it possible to ensure the continuity of our activities and reach even more people in our area with high-quality programming and meaningful relationships.

We are seeking 100% participation in our Yom Kippur Appeal, to have our whole community involved in creating our sacred space at whatever level you feel is meaningful to you and the community.

Thanks to a generous group of anonymous donors, any increase over your pledge last year will be matched dollar for dollar, up to a total of $10,000. First-time pledges will be double matched!

It is a tradition to contribute with multiples of 18, which is the numeric value of the word chai (life).
90 - 180 - 270 - 360 - 540 - 1080 - 1800 - 3600 - 5400

Todah Rabah! Thank you!

Thank You For Registering

Thu, September 12 2024 9 Elul 5784