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We know that some families would be interested in child care during the evening services (Erev Rosh Hashanah, Kol Nidrei, and Neilah) as well.
We will offer child care for evening services if there is enough interest and staffing. Please let us know by September 4 and we will be back in touch with interested families by September 15.
“One should not appear before God empty-handed, but each one with their own gift, according to the blessing that God has bestowed upon you” Deut. 16:16-17 It is only through the generosity of our members that we are able to sustain our community. Your contribution will make it possible to ensure the continuity of our activities and reach even more people in our area with high-quality programming and meaningful relationships. We are seeking 100% participation in our Yom Kippur Appeal, to have our whole community involved in creating our sacred space at whatever level you feel is meaningful to you and the community. Thanks to a generous group of anonymous donors, any increase over your pledge last year will be matched dollar for dollar, up to a total of $10,000. First-time pledges will be double matched! It is a tradition to contribute with multiples of 18, which is the numeric value of the word chai (life). 90 - 180 - 270 - 360 - 540 - 1080 - 1800 - 3600 - 5400 Todah Rabah! Thank you!